Twitter Strategy

Twitter Strategy


There are one million courses on how to grow on Twitter out in the world currently.

My strategy? Pick one and run with it. Put in the work, and if it doesn't work, adjust.

This documentation will be following a 25 min video by @WrongsToWrite (opens in a new tab), also known as Dakota Robertson. He is a writer that grew to 130k followers in 3 years, organically.

If it doesn't work after 3 months, I'll change the course and update the documentation, given this is meant to be a living document.

You can watch the video by Dakota Robertson here (opens in a new tab), but I'll summarise the learnings and steps to follow, as well as what I'm doing with this information.

1. Provide Value

Goes without saying, but help your viewer solve a pain point. Get them from Point A (a non-ideal situation) to Point B (ideal situation). Yapping is insufficient.

How am I applying this?
I aim to center my content around what you're currently reading, a written compilation of documentation and research other Indie Hackers in Southeast Asia can follow to achieve $10k/month.

2. GAP Framework (Growth, Authority, Personal)

These are the 3 types of content you should be posting. Ideally 1 tweet per day for each of the 3 types.


This refers to content that is hopping on trends, current events, general top of mind topics and hoping to go viral. Examples would include hopping on the latest AI train, or informative threads on famous individuals like what @thefernandocz (opens in a new tab) does.

How am I applying this?
My plan is to tag an Indie Hacker every single day and talk about something they are working on, or respond to something they have talked about before. Additionally, I plan to write a thread on an Indie Hacker every week, talking about 3 things they did right.


This is valuable content that positions you as an authority on this space. It can be how to guides, free content, etc.

How am I applying this?
My plan is to share a technical or business insight I learnt, every single day.


This is your differentiator. Growth and Authority content can be replicated. What cannot be replicated is you. Share about your personal struggles and stories.

How am I applying this?
My plan is to share projects I'm working on and progress I've made, as well as personal hobby projects, every single day.

3. Traffic

Content itself using the GAP Framework is insufficient. You need to take action and get eyes on the content. There are 3 ways to do this.


This is solid, but time consuming. Look for users with an audience you like, and comment on their posts. This helps build a relationship with the user and also gets you in front of their audience.

How am I applying this?
Comment 20 times a day.

Paid Engagement

Pay an account with an audience you like to feature you.

How am I applying this?
Not planning to use for now.

Engagement Group

It is a group of accounts that are looking to all grow together. You should have similar follower counts and have similar types of audiences. Find 5-10 other creators, and post once every day in the group, and engage with each other's posts.

How am I applying this?
Create an engagement group once I hit 100 followers.

4. Growth Hacking

There are 2 ways to grow quickly.


It's just a chain of tweets strung together, essentially providing more in depth value than a regular single tweet. Each point in the thread should cover these 3 things below:

  • Write about what's the tip.
  • Write about why the reader should care.
  • Write about what action they can take.

At the end of it, you should have a CTA, asking them to follow you for more content.

How am I applying this?
Create an engagement group once I hit 100 followers.

DM Giveaway

It's a giveaway, where people who comment under the post with a certain word will receive the giveaway item within their DMs (automated through TweetHunter). It's a good way to get engagement and provide value at the same time.

How am I applying this?
Not for now, but maybe down the road.

5. Daily / Weekly Habits

  • 3 tweets a day
  • 20 comments a day
  • 1-3 threads a week
  • 1 DM giveaway a week